Simple Co - ya Xoş Gəlmişsiniz!

Biznesiniz üçün sadə həllər

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Günümüzdə texnologiya elə sürətlə dəyişir ki, bir çoxumuz mütəmadi inkişaf cərəyanlarını asanlıqla izləyə bilmirik. Texnologiyaya fokuslanmamış bizneslər və hətta müəyyən sahələrdə mütəxəssisləşmiş texnoloji şirkətlər belə kənar yardım olmadan öz fəaliyyət sahələri xaricində yeni konsept və alətləri tətbiq etməkdə çətinlik çəkir. Bu səbəbdən, bu gün iqtisadiyyat və bizneslər rəqabətdən geri qalmamaq üçün əməkdaşlıq, bölüşmə və autsorsinqin kombinasiyası formasında fəaliyyət göstərir.

Data elminə əsaslanan şirkət olaraq, biz, gələcəyi daha texnoloji zəngin və hər kəs üçün rahat formaya gətirmək üçün öz bilik və bacarıqlarımızı böyük məmnuniyyətlə bölüşürük. Komandamızın texniki imkanları ilə yanaşı, Marketinqdən Maliyyəyə, Qrafik dizayndan Təsərrüfatınadək fərqli sahələrin mütəxəssisləri ilə əməkdaşlıqdan qazandıqlarımızı sizə təklif edirik.

Bankçılıq və telekommunikasiya kimi ənənəvi sahələrdən, data təhlilinin yeni üz qazandığı tibb və fitnes kimi sahələrədək bir çox start-up layihələrə cəlb olunmuşuq. Data əsaslı seçimlər bu proseslərin əsas tərkib hissəsinə çevrilir və data şirkəti olaraq, biz, özümüzü gələcəkdə bu sahələrlə sıx əlaqədə görürük.

Şüarımız sadədir: gəlin, hər şeyi sadə edək! Təcrübəli və istedadlı, tam ştat və məsləhətçi qismində işləyən mütəxəssislərdən təşkil olunmuş komandamız məqsədimizə nail olmaq və şüarımıza xidmət etməkdə bizə kömək edir.

Biz “Simple Company”-ik. Birlikdə, biz dünyanı sadə və rahat  yaşaya biləcəyimiz məkana çevirə bilərik.


Şirkətimiz və komandamız 2011-ci ildən data konsaltinq və peşəkar təlim xidmətləri göstərir


Fraud Detection Modelling

combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning to instantaneously gain current environment and historical insight provides your organization with more confidence in every transaction, to stay ahead of arising fraud trends while empowering businesses to control outcomes, lower manual review rates and reduce chargebacks

Data Quality and Data Projects Audit

we assess the quality of the data owned by the client, figure out how scattered or accessible the data is. We offer solutions to centralize, clean and collect the data into a data warehouse, and report on which data-based project are possible given the existing data, advice on which data and how to collect for the future.

Insurance Risk Modelling

we offer modelling services to support actuarial work and introduce risk-based pricing to the insurance business. Creating the right risk strategies helps your company to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise and implements optimal frameworks to ensure proper risk management.

Business Process Optimization

overall strategy and set of goals for increasing organizational efficiency and strengthen the alignment of individual processes can lead to optimized business goals such as to minimization of costs and maximization of performance and productivity

Customer Lifetime Value Modeling

with the help of CLV we can give you the financial value of each customer to develop formulation of customer acquisition and determine strategies you can use for mutually beneficial relationships

AI Models for Audio-visual Manipulation

we can help with implementation of existing AI models or develop custom AI models for different purposes. Applying different types of AIaaS such as chatbots & digital assistance, cognitive computing APIs allows you staying focused on core business, minimizing the risk of investment, increasing the benefit you gain from your data, improving strategic flexibility with significantly lower costs.

IFRS 9 Implementation

we offer services to as IFRS 9 implementation requires the companies to classify and measure financial assets, financial liabilities, and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. This leads to early recognition of impairment losses on receivables and payables. The changes introduced by IFRS 9 offer great opportunities for optimizing the balance sheet and saving costs during the reporting process.

Financial Stability Stress-Testing

scenario analysis and stress-testing as a modern tool and integral part of the risk management can be used to assess the weaknesses and pinpoint the location/sources of those weaknesses in the companies, especially in financial corporations. We offer A to Z stress-testing services including realistic scenario generation and evaluation process.

No-code Analytics Interfaces and Dashboards

we can provide different local and global-web-based interfaces reporting and analysis purposes to support decision systems. By aggregating different data from multiple data sources, easy to read dashboards monitor multiple metrics and save time by reducing or eliminating manual reporting tasks.

Data Scientist Assessment and Hiring Process

we can select suitable applicants or help to design hiring process for data scientists in different business and product areas like compliance, credit risk, trust and safety, fraud, customer/partner value, etc.

Web-data Collection Services

data collection is one of the most important factors in the success of any project and the execution of the process. We can help the client save time and reduce the cost of operations by collecting information from various internet and web resources and converting it into easily accessible forms.

Outsource Risk Management

if the company profile or business does not traditionally incorporate and/or support Risk management function, the company can outsource their risk management process to us. We provide services on comprehensive risk reporting and offer all available and modern risk management tools to mitigate the risks of the company.

Scoring and Rating Models

Scoring and rating models can be used to assess huge variety of aspects of customer performance in both financial and non-financial system and form the basis of risk-based pricing in many settings. We build application, behavioral, performance, collection scoring and rating models using historical data collected by the customer or any other relevant body. Expert scoring models are also possible if the customer is new to market and does not have enough reliable data at the moment.


Modelling and Communication

solving business problems via application of statistical modelling, delivery of results using appropriate visualization and reporting approach with decision support ruleset and guidelines.

Introduction to Data Science

course is intended to provide a chance to learn basics of Data Science, understand what Data Science and Machine Learning are, become familiar with applications and uses of Data Science and various types of tasks performed by data scientists.r.

Quantitative Methods for Managers

dedicated to deliver effective decision-making skills in multiple areas, such as customer satisfaction, creating quality products, focusing on continuous improvement, risk management, preventing defects etc based on application of mathematical and statistical tools and quantitative management techniques.

AI Modelling and Applications

of different types of AIaaS such as chatbots, digital assistance or cognitive computing APIs in new or existing AI products allows focusing on core business, minimizing the risk of investment, increasing the marginal benefit gain from data, improving strategic flexibility with significantly lower costs.

Time Series and Forecasting

techniques provide reliable performance projections based on your data. It will significantly reduce time needed to make such estimations compared to traditional approaches and help you to optimize resource allocation based on business goals, such as adopting new growth strategies.

Advanced Topics in data Science for Practitioners

is an enhanced program developed for practitioners who want to deepen their knowledge in the subject. The program covers advanced data analysis and reporting techniques, delivers better understanding of data base management and big data technology, explains motivation behind application of different machine learning algorithms.



Deep neural network based audio-visual manipulation


Public launch expected within 2022


Alternative data-based fitness approach


X-FIN – fintech


Kamil Ələsgərov

Baş Analitik

Aygül Fəxrəddinqızı

Böyük Analitik

Gülnar Qədirova

Ofis Menecer

Əbdül Quliyev


Əhmədağa Ağayev

Frontend Proqramçı

Ruqiyyə Bədirova


Türyan Əzizov

Backend Proqramçı

Həsən İsmayılov

Proqram Tərtibatçı

Ən Son Bloqlar


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B.e.-Cümə: 09:00 - 18:00

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